NEW: 新作:《如何寫出好文章》(專著)、《情歸》(小說)、《中華民國能沖出百年宿命?》(專著)

中、西作家與作品表現的同異 11/3/2019 6:20:49 PM

《詩論與詩人》補遺(許之遠) 7/5/2019 4:51:15 AM

第九章:自學可成詩人 3/14/2019 11:49:10 PM

附錄2:陳新雄近體詩格律 3/14/2019 11:41:00 PM

附錄1:詩學的基本常識 3/14/2019 11:32:13 PM

第十章:詩的高妙與評詩 3/14/2019 11:27:42 PM

第八章:古今詩人的評析 3/14/2019 11:22:15 PM




許之遠在多倫多大學東亞研究所攻讀文學碩士的時候, 雖然是好幾年前的事, 但我感覺得像過去不久。我是慶幸他會選修我所授的中國劇藝的課。他以一個作家和小說家特有的經驗, 使我們獲益。他參加華僑的粵劇活動,把演員引進系裡的表演,同樣豐富了我們的識見。現在, 之遠把他的興趣和天份,最多轉註到繪畫方面去,我希望他在新領域中獲得更大的成就。

It seems just a short time ago, although in fact it is a few years, since David Hui was getting his MA degree in East Asian Studies at the University of Toronto. I was lucky enough to have him in some courses which I taught on China's performing arts. All of us benefitted from the particular experience that David brought to those courses as a scripwriter and novelist, and an enthusiastic participant in Cantonese Canadian theatrical activities, David was also instrumental into bringing the department's attention a number of performers who enriches all our lives by their presentations. Now that he is turning his attention and talents more and more to pJinting, I wish him the best of success in this new endeavor.

Kate Stevens

Associate Professor

East Asian Studies

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